There is something about her that when I look at her I see me in her, what is it???
The red couch picture, this is very popular with the Chinese adoptions
I would write a lot about these pictures, but I am just going to say this was Lucy Mae's home for 4.5 years, "A picture is worth a million words" to me this leaves me speechless, and with cheeks wet with tears., Praise God, GOD rescued her.
I love Jesus! I live to Honor and Glorify God! He is my soul purpose in Life. The rest of life is icing on the cake!"SIMPLY LIVIN" tips on... simple meals, sewing tips, projects, gardening, raising chickens, encouring words on how to be the best wife, and mother God has called YOU to be! this blog is to encourage me as well, sharing REAL life for simple livin....I do NOT have it all together nor will I ever, it is a blog about trying to be the best I can for the family GOD has intrusted me with... sit back with a cup of coffee & SIMPLE ENJOY the journey